The supply of goods and services

Terms and conditions

To download Smarti Environmental’s terms and conditions for the supply of goods and services, please click here.

From the UK to Ireland, Europe and beyond into Qatar and the UAE you’ll find Smarti’s patented technology deployed into washrooms.


Where you’ll find Smarti

Experience reliability, eco-impact and financial returns with our patented next-gen in waterless urinals.

Why go waterless with Smarti?

Impact in numbers

100,000L water saved per urinal, per year
Significant water savings.

100% water saving on urinal flushing
Conserve precious resources.

105kg CO₂ saved per year
Reduce your carbon footprint.

100% electric saving on urinal flushing
Eliminate unnecessary electricity costs.

Zero system blockages
Enjoy hassle-free maintenance.

Zero harmful chemicals
Ensure a safer environment.

98% fewer pathogens spread
Promote hygiene and health.

50% decrease in operational costs
Achieve substantial savings on maintenance.